Località Filanda
Pergine Valdarno/IT

il ponte sullo stretto, 2011 | pine-needles, fishing floss, handmade wooden stakes, neon light | work located in the widest part of the canal that flows in the Filanda area | cm 18 x 587 x 15
il ponte sullo stretto, 2011 | pine-needles, fishing floss, handmade wooden stakes, neon light | work located in the widest part of the canal that flows in the Filanda area | cm 18 x 587 x 15
il ponte sullo stretto, 2011 | pine-needles, fishing floss, handmade wooden stakes, neon light | work located in the widest part of the canal that flows in the Filanda area | cm 18 x 587 x 15

Nero/Alessandro Neretti

It often happens that the mistaken outlook of the top managers in a social or economic system has made the communication between parties impossible. The lack of communication turns therefore into a weapon that wounds the social strata and several individuals end to be unsatisfied with the decisions which have been taken.
The installation il ponte sullo stretto deals with these subjects and calls into question a post-real project, like the one which provides that a bridge will be built to link Calabria and the city of Messina in Sicily. *
In this way, microsystem and macrosystem do not come into contact.
From this analysis has arisen the desire to realize a bridge which cannot be used, two embankments that are near and far at the same time, fleeting weakness of the structure, the delicacy of relationships.

* Source Wikipedia – The free encyclopedia / ENG Bridge